PLEASE READ! Welcome to Radio Preppers.

Started by gil, May 09, 2012, 02:11:40 PM

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Welcome aboard Lee :-) you might want to look into 2m SSB. There are a lot of cheap 2m all-mode transceivers on Ebay... I have an old Icom IC-251 that works wonders :-)



Bonjour à tous,

Je suis nouveau sur ce Forum. Je suis arrivé ici grâce aux vidéos de Gil que j'apprécie. Je suis SWL F61514 en JN25JO (Rhône) et je trafique de temps en temps en DX sur la bande des 11 mètres avec en ce moment une boucle magnétique.

Il y a deux ans avec des copains radioamateurs et grâce au travaille préalable de F1HWG nous avons construit nous même notre imprimante 3D.

J'ai une autre passion, je possède une Citroën  ami8, je suis allée en Croatie en été 2019.

Au plaisir de vous lire et merci de votre accueil

Passer pour un idiot aux yeux d'un imbécile est une volupté de fin gourmet.

To pass for an idiot in the eyes of a fool is a gourmet pleasure.


Bienvenue Jean Pierre, et bonne année!


I used to go to the ARRL ARES training but grew disheartened when it was the same thing over and over, "you have to use winlink if you want to remain in this training and join the ZOOM meetings on Thursdays!!!"  When chatting with people locally they just want to learn how to use their radios or other communication devices during an emergency or disaster.  A few of my neighbors and coworkers decided to get their radio licenses and training and are totally enjoying a hobby they really didn't think about.  Thanks for the website!!!  de KE5ES
If you are late you are either lazy or incompetent.
LTC Anchev
Infantry, Bulgarian Army


Thanks. Here in France we have something called ADRASEC... Supposed to help Civil Defense with whatever communication needs they might have, and search for downed planes, etc. I just participated in a Live-Stream for the French World Ham Radio Day... The guy presenting after me was saying ADRASEC needs volunteers... I commented that a few years back I emailed them saying I was a HAM and certified in first aid including advanced resuscitation, but nobody answered my email... A bunch of other guys commented that they too were ignored! Now, another thing... We are in mountainous terrain here and searching for anything means hiking up mountains, cliffs, down valleys, snow, rocks, you name it... I'm 54 now and would not presume to be able to do what a 25yo firefighter or mountain rescuer can do. These guys are like 70+ and don't look like they could run up a flight of stairs without risking a coronary... There are exceptions of course, but I believe Emcomm anywhere is in a poor state of affairs and officials are doing all they can to keep them away, as to not having to rescue more people or having a bunch of entitled old guys (nothing against old guys, I am not far from being one), bugging them running around like headless chickens (yes, I have seen headless chickens run...) Pretty sad. The solution of course is younger HAMs, but how to get them is a whole other ball game...


Ben in France

Hi, I have just stumbled across this forum whilst searching YouTube. I am here to learn more.
The wife and I can see the bigger picture when it comes to being prepared and I am interested in communications when SHTF.
I am in France, but struggle with the language (been here twelve years). I can manage when its face to face with people but find it hard on the telephone etc.
Do people broadcast in English here in France?
We use PMR radios on our own property for keeping in touch with each other, I have an old CB radio that I have dug out and also a Baofeng radio which I use just for listening!
Please excuse me if I come here and ask stupid questions, I haven't used radio since I was in the Air Cadets many years ago.
I would like to get into it a bit more but fear the language might be a road block for me here in France.


Hello Ben. Where are you located? Where are you from?
Plenty of people do speak English on the radio, though the French have a horrendous accent, sorry to say. Just get your CB installed and listen to the locals. Then make contact. Don't worry about language problems. If you don't speak fluently after twelve years, that means you have been worrying about it way too much... Ask people to correct your mistakes, insist on it. That's how I learned. It will be very frustrating in the beginning but soon, after being corrected so many times, you won't make those mistakes again.
The amateur radio licence in France is a nightmare to get, or rather, get information about... You might want to check if your country of origin has an agreement for equivalency that would  grant you a French call-sign from your foreign licence...
The only stupid questions are those never asked...
Welcome aboard :-)

Ben in France

Hi Gil, Thanks for the welcome. I live quite close to Limoges, but I'm from the UK originally. Is it possible to get a UK license whilst not living there? I'll have to do some more searching. French for me is really quite hard, I did start learning Italian once and found that much easier. I'll try to get setup and start listening to what is going on. Thanks.


Hello, well, you might have to schedule a little trip back home for the test, if you aren't wanted there ;-)


Ben in France

I don't think I am a wanted man! Well not now anyway. I have been in contact with them in the UK and it turns out I can do the tests online, using a friend or family members address, and then apply for a reciprocal license here in France. So I will make a start on reading what I have to.


Awesome, The French government would never allow something like that, LOL.




I am from France and my experience of using CB is realy poor, I used a president jimmy and JFK a lot of years ago on 4WD runs with friends, that is all.

The reason I decide to dust off my radios is that I know for sure that the day the wind will turn we will only have CB or Ham to cummunicate.

I ask myself for years if I begin to prepare ham license or not and I think I will do it in a few weeks or less.

I discovered you Gil on youtube and learn you have created this forum.

As I know I will have to wait to have this license, I will try to set a fixe installation at home and a mobile instalation in one of my cars to learn how to use radio and to evaluate the range I can hope to communicate.

One of my problem is taht I will need a discret antenna for the house ans to find witch wire will match witn the pods I have how to set and weld coax ...

I hope my english will not scratch your eyes. I hope it will improve fast by practising.

Thanks for reading me.



Merci et surtout merci pour ce forum et tes vidéos 😉


Hello to everybody!

Very interesting forum, I'll learn a lot by this forum.

I hope to contact with you through js8 from EA8 or EA4