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General Discussion / Re: How Norwegian hams helped ...
Last post by gil - April 11, 2023, 05:48:56 PM
One only has to subscribe to satellite TV and wait for the first storm to know that satellites do not always work!
General Discussion / Site updated.
Last post by gil - April 11, 2023, 05:47:01 PM
I updated the site engine to Simple Machines 2.1.3. As usual, please let me know if you notice any degradation of service or bugs. Thank you.
General Discussion / Re: Lab599 Discovery TX-500
Last post by gil - April 11, 2023, 04:35:06 PM
I would not hesitate to get one if the BF amplifier issue has been resolved, but I do not know if it is the case..
General Discussion / Re: Lab599 Discovery TX-500
Last post by Sparks - April 10, 2023, 04:39:31 PM
Thank you, Gil. You kind of curtailed my enthusiasm as a possible buyer.

In the links I provide below I found:
QuoteLab599 is a new radio manufacturer in Rubtsovsk city in the Altai region of Russia.
QuoteTX-500 is assembled in UAE. [United Arab Emirates]
About these two places:

16 reviews here:  >
General Discussion / Re: Lab599 Discovery TX-500
Last post by gil - April 05, 2023, 08:09:28 PM
Hi, I tried one. It has just one weakness, the BF amplifier. Common-mode currents can fry it. At least it was the case when I tried it. I know, because I fried it and had to explain that to its owner... It is/was? a known issue. I do not know if it has been fixed in recent models...
General Discussion / Re: Off-Grid Ham Radio OH8STN ...
Last post by Sparks - March 11, 2023, 08:38:05 PM
General Discussion / Re: Lab599 Discovery TX-500
Last post by Sparks - March 10, 2023, 11:09:04 PM
It's now for sale here at "HRO Discount Price" $1,149.95.

Have any of you guys any experience of this one?
Morse Code / Re: QRP DX
Last post by RadioRay - March 10, 2023, 10:19:36 PM
Good question.  The comms begins with propagation first.  The easiest antenna length does no good, if the band is too high for your regional comms/NVIS.  80 meters is a real work horse for regional comms.  The great news is that stringing a 130'ish foot piece of wire at low height is easy. Remember that for local comms having the antenna up a bit over head height is a good >start<.  Any EASY elevation after that helps, but is generally not essential.  I've done a lot of outdoor/wilderness radio and mil radio opns, where a bit over head height was what was practical.  That's not good for long rages, like a thousand miles or more, but fine for regional/high take-off angle work, usually within the one-tank-of-gas-distance ( 0-350 miles,. which matters most to me.

I'd recommend either a simple dipole cut to frequency BEFORE you deploy or Gil's favorite , the End Fed Half Wave wire.  The EFHW is somewhat easier to deploy and retrieve, especially in trees.

CW DX!  Definitely,  A little wire and Morse code is amazing.  I just had a basic QSO with a fellow in Germany on forty meters using my QRP rig, maybe five Watts. and a dipole up only 30 feet. It would have been better to have the dipole at 60 feet for that long haul, but he and I talked for about 15 minutes in slow, handsent Morse/CW, so it was still working - even at QRP levels.

Please let us know how things are going for your radio excursions./

73 de RadioRay  ..._ ._
General Discussion / Off-Grid Ham Radio OH8STN — Yo...
Last post by Sparks - March 09, 2023, 08:10:18 PM
Off-Grid Ham Radio OH8STN:

This YouTube Channel contains a wealth of useful information!

— Numerous videos are ordered in categories (and much more):
• Portable Ham Radio Reviews
• Portable Ham Radio Go Kits
• Ham Radio for Preppers
• Microsoft Surface for Ham Radio
• Ham Radio with a Raspberry Pi
• Battery & Solar Power for Ham Radio

Some of these videos have been linked to as comments in various topics here.

I thought it would be nice to have them at your fingertips.
General Discussion / Re: How Norwegian hams helped ...
Last post by RadioRay - February 26, 2023, 02:03:00 PM
Thank You, Sparks !

People who think radio is obsolete are ignorant. They see it as comparing a row boat to a ship.  When a mighty ship sinks, the lowly rowboat becomes King.

73 de Ray  ..._ ._