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Messages - NWARadio

I'm planning on being on the air this weekend around 6-9 pm CST. Not saying I'll be right on at 6, but between those hours. A few of us made contact last weekend and it made me think we need some set frequencies that we'll try regularly. That way, if someone wants to see if we're on they don't have to log on here, they can just check the frequencies and see if we're on. Should we choose multiple frequencies on multiple bands or just one frequency on a few different bands? Or should we just wing it like we did last week?
I really enjoyed the exercise last night, too. VWFlyer is right: it's good practice trying to intentionally make contact with a specific station instead of talking to whoever comes in clearly. I enjoyed the practice of relaying information to/from stations who couldn't be heard by everyone and learning what it's like to stand by while information is being taken to be relayed. I also learned not to sit down at the radio without a computer. It was too much of a hassle running back and forth to my laptop to check the forum when I couldn't hear John Galt. And that makes me wonder what I would do in a real world situation where I had no access to the internet or text messages. If it were important, JG and I would have needed a plan in place in case our chosen frequency was in use or the conditions weren't right for that band. We'd also need a plan of some sort in case the conditions across all bands are crappy. I don't think we'll ever need anything like that, but it's interesting and fun to think about. I really appreciate everyone who tried and who made contact, especially ArchAngel, who had some sort of flu bug. I've filled out QSL cards and I'll get them in the mail Monday. John Galt, we got interrupted on 10m, but since we each heard one another, I logged you as a contact.
I haven't studied CW yet, so I wouldn't be much use. lol
Couldn't copy anybody on 40 or 80. I've been cutting a little wood today, so it's shower time for me. Thanks for the QSOs tonight guys!
I won't be joining in on 40m. I hear nothing except static and something that sounds like pots and pans banging. I'm assuming Jamaican music or something. I'll be standing by, listening and filling out QSL cards.
Archangel, thanks for checking in. I'll move to 40m and see if I can copy anyone.
VWflyer, Archangel and nwaradio are on 18.142
Yes. My phone wouldn't post for me. I can do 17 just let me know the frequency
Ok just give me a frequency.
28.365. Isn't that where everyone is?
I'll call cq. I'm KF5TJC.
I'm on 28.365 but all I hear is static.
What's everyone's license class? That'll help us decide where we can meet. I'm a General but my antenna won't tune 160m. 80 and up I'll be ok on.
Net Activity / Saturday night meet up? (3/22/2014)
March 21, 2014, 10:11:05 PM
How'd some folks like to try and meet up tomorrow night on HF? I've also got access to an EchoLink repeater and I can put EchoLink on my phone, too. I'll be cutting wood tomorrow, so I won't be able to get on until evening/night. Probably around 6pm CST til 9 or 10. Just give me a time and a frequency! Keep it Tech or General; I don't have my Extra class yet.
New To Radio / Re: Using tQSL to Upload to LoTW
March 19, 2014, 09:20:33 PM
Thanks so much for the tutorial. Look forward to trying it this weekend.