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Messages - vy2js

Antennas / "Sparkplug" antenna
December 05, 2021, 05:44:57 PM
I'm giving some thought to buying a "sparkplug" antenna.  Well its just the matching unit but the size, performance and even the price seem decent based on reviews.

Anyone here have/tried one?

Military Radios / Gil's next truck?
September 28, 2021, 03:41:33 PM
Watching this, thought immediately of Gil.

General Discussion / Self-hosted VPN (and pi-hole)
January 06, 2021, 07:30:39 AM
Radio related in that is how cell phone work...  ;)

I got a raspberry pi for xmas and promptly set up pi-hole on it which acts as a DNS request sink-hole.  all dns requests go to the pi-hole: if blacklisted (like facebook for me!) the pi-hole reaponds with nothing, but if it us whitelisted (or just not blacklisted) then the dns request gets passed along.  It deals only with the dns request not the data so thingsvare actually faster.

And no more ads.

And no more trackers!

On average, roughly ONE HALF of all dns requests from my phones & laptops are blocked 🚫.   Woo hoo

Also set up pivpv which qas super simple to do, just answering the installer prompts.

This means i have my pi set up not only as a dns sink-hole but mybown vpn!

So no when I'm out of the house i connect to my vpn and no matter where i am, I'm connected to home and significantly reduce the risk of being hacked.  I can now use public wifi without being exposed.

The real bonus is that when out of the house and connected to my vpn, my pi-hole is also in effect so NO ADS or TRACKERS.

Ad'free games.  Anywhere.

And facebook has lost track of me.


Licensing / Re: How many here are already licensed?
September 23, 2020, 06:37:23 AM
Quote from: KB1YMI on September 07, 2012, 12:57:34 PMLet's find out where we all stand.
Quote from: KB1YMI on September 07, 2012, 12:57:34 PMLet's find out where we all stand.

3rd generation Ham.  My grandfather was one of the 1st licensed in Canada. He worked Hawaii from Vancouver before licensing was a thing.
Batteries & Solar / Re: Solar energy
September 22, 2020, 06:46:04 AM
Have you checked Julian's site?

A really good resource to start with
Great thanks.

I haven't been able to find any real complaints about it.

I recently discovered that you can turn the screen off so even that niggle in the back of my mind has been put to rest.

As soon as i have the money saved I will pull the trigger.  I think pairing it with a wolf river coils silver bullet would be a good combo for base, portable and mobile use.

Additional EFHW for more portable options too.


I think I have settled on the Xiegu G90 as the radio i will start with.  I haven't seen any serious negatives brought up in any reviews.

Power consumption seems pretty good for what it is (i know there is no pleasing Gil on that front haha ) and it puts out full 20W power down to 9v input in videos I've seen.

Very wide ATU that works fast.  SWR spectrum scope, waterfall, SDR... not sure what else i could ask for.

Anyone here use one?  I searched and found no mention of it.

It should be simple enough to use as my home station,  portable rig and even a mobile in my Jeep...

Antennas / Re: EFHW sloper array?
December 06, 2019, 11:29:40 AM
Another thing to add to the list of outdoor experiments come spring.

Antennas / EFHW sloper array?
December 04, 2019, 01:03:23 PM
Would there be any advantage to be had by making an EFHW sloper array?

If the elevated supports are the same height and the correct distance apart, and the feedline to the 2nd sloper adjusted in length for the correct phasing, wouldn't the slopers then act like a beam of sorts?

This also presumes both "random" wires are the same length...

Maybe it could be a "bug out beam?"

Something to play with once the snow goes away I suppose.

Anyone ever try this?
Antennas / Broadband Butterfly- anyone use one?
November 19, 2019, 05:49:40 PM
Regarding the info at, specifically the house roof or attic version...

I'm thinking this will be my 1st homebrew HF antenna.

It looks like it should be a good option for a qrp rig.

Now to order the stuff i need to make a 16:1 balun...

Any thoughts appreciated

Morse Code / Re: Today I learned a-z, 0-9
November 12, 2019, 05:55:28 AM
Quote from: gil on November 12, 2019, 03:42:51 AMAwesome! Stick with it!

Merci beaucoup, Gil.

Morse Code / Today I learned a-z, 0-9
November 11, 2019, 08:40:42 PM
Using a great phone app called Morse Mania,  i learned the alphabet and numbers.  20 wpm character speed,  but really slow copy.

Tomorrow i will do punctuation.

One day!

I budgeted a month.

Now to get faster...
3rd generation ham... not very active.

Retiring in 3 years so starting to delve back into the hobby.