Radio Preppers

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: raybiker73 on November 29, 2013, 09:28:41 PM

Title: QRP CW from the USS Requin, 12/1/2013
Post by: raybiker73 on November 29, 2013, 09:28:41 PM
Just talked to my friend Tom WY3H, and he informed me that he and John K3WWP (both of NAQCC) will be operating a QRP/CW station from aboard the USS Requin, a World War II submarine moored on the Monongahela River at Pittsburgh's Carnegie Science Center. According to Tom, they'll be starting around 1500Z (10am EST) on Sunday, and operating for at least a couple hours. Listen for them on the QRP frequencies on 40 meters (7.040) and 20 meters (14.060) or thereabouts. Tom and John are good guys and world-class CW ops, so send some dits and dahs their way if you're able. (

EDIT: The third op would have been yours truly, except that my Mom made me promise last week that I'd take her Christmas shopping on Sunday. I always figured "Mom guilt" wouldn't work anymore after age 40. Boy, was I wrong.  :o