is it "safe" to use something like a harbor freight 12v battery jumper ( to power my yaesu 7800? i doubt it will give enough juice to transmit, which is what i'm not interested in at this time. but.... i want to start programming it for repeaters and hear where people are located. fyi: i'm looking around for a good deal on a real power supply.
That should work just fine to receive and transmit.
It'll work just fine although there are far cheaper alternatives if this will be the only use of the jump pack. Here's the same battery (,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.80642063,d.cWc&biw=1024&bih=601&tch=1&ech=1&psi=KfOEVI_KKOi1sQT574LICQ.1417999147731.3&sa=X&ei=k_OEVPvlB5PbsATf2IHABw&ved=0CPgDEPMCMAA) that's inside the jump pack for about half the price and no doubt it can be sourced even cheaper with a little shopping around.
Thanks guys, i already own it so price is not a worry... now back to studying. ;)