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Batteries & Solar / Re: Battery backup
Last post by 2M0WHN - October 26, 2022, 06:00:20 PM
The solar is a 13W briefcase type of panel. Might get something more better as 13W is not enough really for fast charge. It was one of them you got in the cheap stores or those that sell anything electrical. Looking on EBay they have flexible panels for under £30 with charge controller. Might get one and connect that if we get a power outage.
Batteries & Solar / Re: Battery backup
Last post by Arn - October 26, 2022, 04:37:43 PM
How much power is your solar panel rated to give?  The info the solar panel makers give is generally best case, so if there is haze, or clouds, or its not lined up to take advantage of the best angle the actual output will be less. Determine if you will have enough solar energy to charge your battery to enable to you run your radios for the estimated time each day you are going to want to operate.  Be sure to plan for a few cloudy or even rainy days between sunny days, or have a contingency for that (charge it a little while from the car or something handy).

 Also, importantly, heat makes the panel less efficient.. which is bad as you will notice they are all a black panel. What gets the hottest in the sun? Of course its our panels.
So, its best to mount them some place that has air flow behind to help cool them. I have a 120 watt folding panel, and I try to not lay it on the ground, as it gets warmer with no
under side air flow.   On summer outings (up to 40C at times) it is very noticeable the heating effect, where in winter time (as low as -20C) , it works a lot better.   

I hope those are some ideas that will help with what you are asking. 

73  Arn

General Discussion / Re: PLEASE READ! Welcome to Ra...
Last post by gil - October 26, 2022, 01:51:12 PM
Indeed it has been slow.. I think also that the "unread posts" feature doesn't always work for some reason.. I have clearly missed posts I had not read yet..
General Discussion / Re: PLEASE READ! Welcome to Ra...
Last post by NCGunDude - October 26, 2022, 11:53:45 AM
Welcome, we're a slow, but steady, group. I've moved recently, and need to get an antennae in the air. The good news is I'm hundreds of feet higher in elevation, so my DX should improve considerably.
General Discussion / Re: PLEASE READ! Welcome to Ra...
Last post by wildbill - October 26, 2022, 12:28:03 AM
Hello everyone
Name is Bill, new here and call sign id K8OB.I have participated in the radio prepper net hosted by shawn dunbar in the past. Been a ham since 2019,currently hold an extra class license and have ran a prepper net group here in MI on 2m and on 75m called The Great Lakes Preparedness Net (formerly Rust Belt Net). Looking to stay in contact with other like minded individuals.
Batteries & Solar / Battery backup
Last post by 2M0WHN - October 25, 2022, 04:37:53 PM
What is the best power setup for a cheap budget?

I have a fold up solar panel, a MPT charge controller and a 12V 44aH battery. Also a Pi4, mini laptop, 2 base radios and other H/T that I can use.

So on a basis of being cheap, cost cutting and essentially not having much money as I have basically gotten most of this over years, what is the best way of making sure I can run my station in a effeciant way without resorting to going into credit card debt.

General Discussion / Which radios
Last post by 2M0WHN - October 25, 2022, 11:56:23 AM
Quick vox pop thing...

What is your favourite radio that you have used in the past or still have. What make you buy it and what does it mean to you when operating your own radio that you like?
Net Activity / Armageddon Frequencies.
Last post by gil - October 25, 2022, 07:33:19 AM
the world being on the brink of a global conflict we need to make sure we can stay in touch to exchange survival information. This thread is for you to post frequencies you or your network might use to communicate, related or not to your location. Make sure you copy everything you see here on paper... Protect your electronics in Faraday cages.

If the SHTF I will monitor 10123KHz CW and JS8 on 30m.
Locally (Antibes France) I will monitor 145.5MHz FM and PMR CH3.
As long as it will remain active I will also be on the Mt Agel repeater.

Antennas / Re: Do you feel robbed?
Last post by gil - September 28, 2022, 06:55:50 AM
These antennas can be replicated for just a few dollars and will work just as well. The only difference will be build quality and ruggedness, but even that can be approximated, if not equaled without CNC machining..

Antennas / Re: Do you feel robbed?
Last post by RadioRay - September 28, 2022, 01:09:10 AM
Well, I do understand that priCes are high and increasing, but there are ways to be a ham with a quite useful and enjoyable station without spending a lot of money.  This I know, because I am a pensioner, but do fine:

1. Skills are free and stay with you for life.  For example, learning Morse code is VERY much more efficient than voice communication on HF.  Hams who use Morse code requires less power, less expence and I find that even simple equipment, maybe kit built, works very well.

2.  Learn to build your own transceivers and antennas.  Most of these 'tacti-cool' antennas are made for people who will not make their own.  The company DOES understand their business model and what they are able to charge. A simple and efficient home made dipole or end fed half wave wire works very well, can be made for very little money and I've used them for decades in wild country.

3.  Many people, ESPECIALLY Gil, will show how do do this on the Youtube channels.  This is a real advantage.

No, I cannot imagine myself spending this much for an antenna like this. but, that's because I'm not the target customer base, but YES they do have many customers interested in their products.  OTOH, I don't need it, my antenna kits cost me less than a half week of coffee at a cafe'. because I make them myself. Wire and maybe some reasonable coax, and a little time, that's all.

Time for a sip of cognac and sleeeep.

- RadioRay