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Topics - N4AE

Hello from Chicago.  Hope everyone is enjoying time outside, especially with Field Day upon us.

I'm looking for some ideas to incorporate radio into a survival exercise with my Boy Scout Troop.

Each December, we take to the back woods of Michigan for a weekend survival camp.  The boys dig trenches, build shelters, and sleep in the snow.  They make their own meals with limited provisions.  It's an individual effort and the boys learn that they can make it using the Scoutcraft they know.

This year, I plan to bring along my Field Expedient Station (FT-817ND, Chameleon Emcom III Portable) without digital.  Just phone for simplicity.

My first thought is to demonstrate how to build a hasty antenna deployment.  Maybe an end-fed inverted Vee.  Simulate a distress call (not sure how I will do that).  Try to make contact in the daytime (groundwave) and night (skywave).

I would appreciate any input you have.

