PLEASE READ! Welcome to Radio Preppers.

Started by gil, May 09, 2012, 02:11:40 PM

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Welcome aboard :-) keep an ear out for me on week-ends!


Hi Gil,

ok I'll try to be QRV on weekends (but more noisy due to contest an other sport radio activities )

73 de EA8CAY/P


Hello everyone
Name is Bill, new here and call sign id K8OB.I have participated in the radio prepper net hosted by shawn dunbar in the past. Been a ham since 2019,currently hold an extra class license and have ran a prepper net group here in MI on 2m and on 75m called The Great Lakes Preparedness Net (formerly Rust Belt Net). Looking to stay in contact with other like minded individuals.


Welcome, we're a slow, but steady, group. I've moved recently, and need to get an antennae in the air. The good news is I'm hundreds of feet higher in elevation, so my DX should improve considerably.


Indeed it has been slow.. I think also that the "unread posts" feature doesn't always work for some reason.. I have clearly missed posts I had not read yet..


Hello my name is Steve and I'm an addict.  I started with a Baofengs and over the years I have progressed to the hardcore stuff, Elecraft.  My radio of choice though is the Yaesu FT-817nd withe a Buddistick vertical.  I found the YouTube channel that led me here.  Thanks Gil for hosting this forum.
If you are late you are either lazy or incompetent.
LTC Anchev
Infantry, Bulgarian Army



Hi Gil and all members. Greetings from Arizona. Thank you, Gil, for doing what needed to be done, creating community. We have our societies in various countries, but real community is hard to find. It is especially critical now, as there are signs that we are all soon to live in a world torn apart by war. In any kind of such crisis, Ham radio has been vital for the preservation of community, and even for the functioning of society. I was involved years ago in disaster relief, mostly in Central America (Nicaragua and Guatemala) where earthquakes devastated large areas and the basic infrastructure of the society was impaired or destroyed. I was part of a relief team from the USA and we could only communicate with our HQ in the US by using local Ham operators. It was that experience that inspired me to become a Ham. So your group here is especially meaningful to me, as I believe we may be forced to rely on radio for basic communications. Thank you also for the videos on the 49:1 EFHW antennas. I just received a toroid and will build one. Perhaps we meet on the air using them.


Thanks Marjamada.
Unfortunately the forum has fallen into disuse.
Hopefully that will change. Thank you for your post.


I just joined.
Was it just me, it took me 10 attempts to pass the catchpa. I listened to it in the end and the audio only reads out the first 4 letters, so mine was WRVM PH. I had to employ online Catchpa solver in Korea!.

Bit about me.
I'm a UK (GB) HAM since 1977 and like QRP/ELP radio especially LoRa / Meshtastic.
I'll share more details later.
If I can pass the CATCHPA on this page  EVWBAC


Hello, welcome aboard!
Unfortunately I have no control over the CATCHPA..


Good evening...i know it's late....58yo my name is marco, HAM IZ0UPZ, italian nationality, actually i'm living in latina, 70km south of rome. ex member of italian air force, telecommunication, radar system, computer, air defence and air traffic. Actually i'm a worker, and when I am free from commitments, I am a civil protection volunteer and we give our support with telecommunications, analog and digital DMR, satellite systems, and computer including all the necessary infrastructure.

Enjoy your life.



Welcome aboard Marco! The forum has been quiet of late, but hopefully it will pick up again..