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Topics - 2M0WHN

Antennas / Duct tape antenna
October 13, 2023, 05:03:23 PM
This video shows how to make a antenna for VHF with duct tape. A very good idea for a backpack.

VHF and Above / Double Bazooka
January 11, 2023, 04:58:25 PM
Here is a image of a double bazooka antenna calculation.

With it being 3 feet in length it is a decent antenna for using on SSB on VHF 2M. Along with the 50 Ohm cable it is light enough to roll up into a backpack and carry.

Here is the link for the antenna calculation from  West Mountain Radio.

Could be a fun project as a suspended vertical from a tree or between 2 trees for SSB use. 100 watts and a wire did a build on making this with tips on how to make one for HF use.

Youtube link to 100 watts and a wire.

If you get to build one for VHF or HF let me know compared to a normal dipole from tests. Could be some fun for H/T in a pinch.
Batteries & Solar / BMS
November 22, 2022, 10:57:06 AM
Anyone got any idea for a BMS?

Just purchased some 18650's and wondering what type of BMS I would need to use for this project. Hopefully one that can charge from a small solar cell or two that I have laying around so it can be left out to charge or from mains.

Anyone got any links to Aliexpress, UK Ebay or Amazon to get me started prior to soldering.
Tactical Corner / Operation Yarrow
November 03, 2022, 03:21:39 PM
With the UK getting  serious on the idea there may be blackouts over winter here are some recommendations to get through the time the power may be off.

Also the attachment from the UK Government on blackouts and which areas may experience it and what times.
Batteries & Solar / Battery backup
October 25, 2022, 04:37:53 PM
What is the best power setup for a cheap budget?

I have a fold up solar panel, a MPT charge controller and a 12V 44aH battery. Also a Pi4, mini laptop, 2 base radios and other H/T that I can use.

So on a basis of being cheap, cost cutting and essentially not having much money as I have basically gotten most of this over years, what is the best way of making sure I can run my station in a effeciant way without resorting to going into credit card debt.

General Discussion / Which radios
October 25, 2022, 11:56:23 AM
Quick vox pop thing...

What is your favourite radio that you have used in the past or still have. What make you buy it and what does it mean to you when operating your own radio that you like?
General Discussion / Radioberry
August 07, 2021, 03:03:29 PM
What are your thoughts on the radioberry for the RPi4?

It is enough output power to run a pre-amp so up to 5W TX.

So thoughts on this minimal piece of radio? Is it worth the money or just as a QRP/p type of fun radio.