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Topics - White Tiger

This is from a blogger I've followed on the Internet and the HAM bands - I think his conclusions and opinions are spot on regarding this.

The Decline of Shortwave Radio Means the Spread of World Conflict

Yes, government funded radio projects like; Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, BBC International, and even Radio Australia...are succumbing to budget cutbacks and reliance on the Internet...

...and truth be told...(and shamefully so) I've actually heard more truth, especially regarding the reporting of US politics and the effects of economic policies - listening to overseas broadcasts from the likes of Russia Today, than anything I've seen or heard stateside.

For now. Making sure the propaganda always works is paramount for our leaders - I'm not sure if some group is working to destroy any shred of credibility that the people of the USA have for their domestic news outlets - or if those folks are seeking to build up our regard for foreign correspondence on global events....or some combination of both? I just don't think anything is happening by chance anymore.

...but back to the topic - individuals seeking an FCC license just broke a record in 2012 (per the ARRL). While I don't know how this year will shake out - my guess is the trend will hold, and the trend is way up since 2008, right along with long-term storage food, guns, and ammunition sales...over that exact time frame...right along with prices for those same things.

How comfortable are you with the idea that the increase in FCC license holders - may just be radio preppers...
Long ago - Luck, WA4STO hooked me with an idea of setting up a low power, off-grid, HF security monitoring system utilizing a camera and a radio for a means of maintaining OPSEC at the BOL when you are away (and vice-versa)...but it was one of many very investing topics that Luck is well versed in...and my ADD kicked in and we moved on to another more pressing target (Luck's pretty good at sorting through the noise of conversations to find out what you really need to prioritize first)...and although it's been niggling at the back of my brain - I figured it was waaayy past my skill level...

...until yesterday, when I pulled my latest QST magazine from the 'ol mailbox and low-and-behold, there is an article entitled: Using a PIC to Control a Miniature Slow Scan TV Camera..." of the board, the components, electrical diagram, etc.,!

You know, this may just be the first radio thing I build...
Holy crimenitely....

No one has any expectation if privacy.

Shocking - maybe not for Luck/WA4STO - wow is this crap must be rolling up fast.
Just bought a 3 panel "kit" that includes a charge controller, a frame to link all of it together, and an assortment of plugs - all for $154 from Northern Tool (had a 30% off coupon)!!

I know it's a low-end model, I know it's inefficient, but it was so darn cheap...that it finally pushed me off the fence!

I haven't put it together yet - I wanted a power supply system before the start of the new hurricane season (which starts tomorrow). I have a funny feeling it's going to be an interesting season this year!

I'll update as soon as I put it together!

Here's a picture:
Technical Corner / O.K., how much loss can I expect...
February 10, 2013, 02:50:49 AM
I just received my 150' of RG213u to replace the 100' of the same coax. The problem was that I needed a few more feet in the shack, but mostly I needed to get my antenna up about 10' higher.

Am running a fan dipole covering 80, 40, 20, & 15m. I plan to set up 80m in an NVIS configuration for local traffic, while running the 40m-15m in an inverted V configuration to get further than a few hundred miles (near/far news and communication capability).

Currently my antenna is not high enough and it is contributing to some cancelation issues on 80m that I was thinking would be corrected by getting it a bit higher...but have I compromised by also adding more "loss" with the additional 50' of coax?
This probably won't help anyone living in an area below 30 degrees...but it does offer some interesting and cheap/free options to improve heating (somewhat) in any condition.

Here's another site with someone who employed this "technology" - with a better step-by-step format.
General Discussion / Latest winter storm - everyone ok?
January 21, 2013, 05:00:17 PM
Just had a thought to see if everyone had made preparations for the latest winter storm? Have a friend in Minnesota who advised that the temp + windchill would be hovering around -45 below tonight - this is serious!
On the 71st anniversary of Pearl Harbor I happened upon a Memorial Station working from the War Memorial Museum commemorating the USS Oklahoma: WW2OK...(14.2771)...

Give it a try!
Tactical Corner / Your Very Own Surveillance Drone...?
December 05, 2012, 10:17:24 PM
Ok...was noodling around the interwebs and found this:

Have we discussed this yet?

I'm thinking this would be perfect for the ol' BOL...(waddaya think WA4STO)?
Interesting website dedicated to lists, of lists, of preparedness...
General Discussion / Looky who got his antenna up!
November 29, 2012, 12:49:39 AM 'em up in the ol' palm tree...the YL actually suggested it!

Started with a Dr Dipole 20m dipole, and after a fuzzy, but absolutely fantastic FIRST QSO with Luck, WA4STO...who challenged me afterwards to get the fan dipole back up!

So, after losing 20m just after dusk...I thought it a good time to get the 80m - 15m fan dipole up - because I was pretty jacked-up to have made a couple of QSO's  (Luck in, Nebraska - and Richard in Delaware)....I started unwinding the 80m legs [???%#] at around 6:00...and by 7:00 I finished just as I heard my son pull in.

...WOW, did I have FUN afterwards! Check out where I have "been" tonight:

 This is a super-cheap, full-function HT - but it has one vey frustrating traight - It has graduated tuning by .25khz at a time...I could get to 145.425, but could NOT figure out how to get it to 145.43?

I'm sure it's operator error, I've read the manual, to no avail!

Any ideas out there?
I know this is a site for radio related issues - but we also cater to the prepper mentality - and it is to that aim that I address this post.

It's been over a week and everyone I encounter seems to say the same thing...they just can't believe what has happened - not that anything has happened - but the feeling that SO much changed that we weren't aware of...the rallying of common sense, didn't overcome the forces of chaos.

...or did it?

Either way, I am glad I started my preparations two years ago, because of this, Ive been able to acquire a new skill, and some necessary equipment. I am, however, very concerned for those who JUST woke up. This is not meant to be a political bash - more of a - I can't seem to put my finger on - a door has been opened, and not to a familiar place.

I think we would have had our problems even if the other party had gained power - but now we seem to be running headlong into oblivion with our fingers firmly plugging our ears to keep us from heeding sane advice to STOP!

I don't mind saying, while it fits my world view...I'm definitely in shock. The sense of foreboding has changed...into..something...else...?

How about you?
Anyone have one of these with a similar problem? I bought this rig and the one problem the seller mentioned was frequency drift...

I checked the Interwebs and found that one reason for this was due to ICOM using plastic trimmer capacitors in the PLL/VCO & RF/YGR circuits - the fix is to swap out the plastic trimmer caps with ceramic ones (6pf, 10pf and 20pf's). I just can't seem to find out if this is something a novice like me can do...or if I need to take it to a real radio repairman (which means I no longer got such a "deal" on the unit).

Anyone have any information/experience with this fix?

Any help would be appreciated!
Antennas / White Tiger's Antenna Raising (part deux)
October 13, 2012, 08:53:18 PM
Well, it's been a busy day around the homestead...what with passing my General class exam (when should I stop bragging?) - and I decided to make a second attempt at setting up my fan dipole...Thankfully my son helped me, couldn't have done it without him!

Must stress that this was a test run to see if my vision for placement - would be where I - or rather, the Frau would let me - keep it!

It's only up about 32' for the test - after this dry run I believe aI should have guyed it one more 4' section up - in order to get to 40' I would need to guy it twice.

(Sorry for the multiple posts - for some reason the mobile app wouldn't let me put all 3 pictures in a single post?)
Licensing / Say hello to a New General!!
October 13, 2012, 12:29:48 PM
I just got back from taking my exams for Technician, General - and because Gil set the bar so high - I also took the test for Extra class!

Proud to say I passed and was told I am awaiting my license as a new little General...or something to that effect (may e that's just what the Frau called me...?)!

A big shout out to WA4STO who started me on this path about 2 months ago, and Gil - thanks for setting the bar so high - I'll have another chance to take the Extra class exam next month...and I definitely plan to re-take it...

Just wanted to share my good news - I'm now off to set-up my fan dipole/antenna mast in the backyard!
Technical Corner / What Amateur Radio Apps do YOU use?
October 02, 2012, 10:01:36 PM
Here are the iPhone apps I've found:

Ham I Am - Included in this app you get: Phonetic Alphabet, Q-Signals, Ham Jargon, Morse Code, Best Practices, AARL Stuff, and Electrical info (Electrical Units, Power Thresholds & Formulas)

Morse2Text - A CW practice program. You can set the rate for the wpm you want to type at and tap away...or you can type a message using the keyboard and have the app convert it into what your message is supposed to sound like.

Antenna - this is actually the USMC Antenna Manual!? Not sure why it isn't listed that way...but it has EVERYTHING the Marine Corps has to teach on antennas! I'd list all the sub-headers but it would fill the page - lets just say that if you need to know something about antenna's, if you ever wondered what the best antenna would be, regardless of whether it's for HF/UHF/VHF/Satellite...expedients, farms...whatever - it's here!

HamAntCal - simple antenna calculator program. Enter the type of antenna you're using, then enter the frequency you want to work, and it will calculate the length of legs, etc.,

Call Sign - this uses the USL database to locate the location of any Ham call sign you enter.

SSTV - (Slow Scan TeleVision) take any transmitted signal - hold the phone up to the speaker - and it will display the image being transmitted!

Ham - has a PSK reporter function, a link to QRZ, and a Solar Terrestrial Data info center (i.e., Solar Flux Number, A Index, K Index, X-Ray, Sun Spot count...

WaveGuide - HF Propagation conditions - supports DX Watch & Reverse Beacon Network.

And because I am studying for the exam this Saturday - I have the AARL Practice Exam Prep apps for the Tech, General, and Extra classes.

So, what do you have, and why?
OK, assuming we get licensed - what do all of you licensed amateur radio operators plan to do if your various scenarios of SHTF, play out?

What are your plans?

Here are my plans: Locally, I am part of a group of 4/5 families (about 18-20 people) that live within about a 20 to 30 mile radius, we're prepping independently, but doing it together (planning to bug in). We don't tell each other what to do - we just made out a list of things we needed to do separately, once we accomplished those things, we agreed that communicating between the families was necessary. I agreed to be the communications link - each family said they would get their Tech license, I agreed to get what I could - hopefully at least General (be the control operator?). I have a HF radio - and plan to use a fan dipole - and am also planning to use a NVIS configuration (although I'm not quite sure which band would be best to operate it on...40 meters, 20?)...but that will take some experimenting?

In case of SHTF, my day-to-day plan would be to monitor certain frequencies and send bulletins down range...And again, although I say I would monitor certain frequencies - I don't really know which one's (nets?) would be good to pick up information? 

I also have about 3 more family members at some distance (nearly 500 miles away), and NVIS should work for them as well - just gotta figure out what frequency/band would work best.

Anyway - that's as far as I've gotten.

How about you?
I have been wearing out a friend of mine - who has been kind enough to "Elmer" me (for those that don't know - that's what ObiWan was for Luke...) as I have bumped along this road to my current spot. Maybe a description of my very recent journey into amateur radio will help?

Only 2 months ago I didn't have a radio, didn't have a clear understanding of what it was, and beyond wanting to use it to talk to the world - and maybe a little closer to home...only a vague idea of what High Frequency (HF), "short wave" communications, were all about. I bought "Ham Radio for Dummies", which cleared up the fundamentals. I had distant memories of family friends speaking to missionaries in far off lands on an old "short wave" Heathkit radio , and played around with my uncle's CB base station as a teenager...that was during the CB radio craze of the late 70's early 80' was short lived, and I never even got around to buying my own radio.

So, basically, I knew nothing...but after the economic meltdown really hit home for our family - I started investigating prepping - without belaboring that point more - let's just say my wife, son, and I all scrimped, saved, studied, planned, & adapted - eventually met the tartget goal. We did a LOT in a short period (from beginning to end of 2011) we layed in: food & water storage, firearms, training, and stockpiling ammunition, to focusing on paying off debt...

That's been about a year ago - and while I realize a preppers life in todays depressing and difficult times means something a little different for all of us - the bottom line is, that there is never a point that we feel we got "there"...I mean I NEVER feel 100% sure that I've finally got everything. Seems I only need to talk to one or two like-minded folks for me realize something else I've forgotten - for the family or for a *neighbor's* (prepper parlance for: someone who sees trouble ahead, and agrees to do something about it now, and strategizes with me on ways to help each other out), need...but at least we can sleep without the nightmares...and we can breathe a little easier...

It's for those of you in this state that the rest of this post is for.

It's been a little more than a year ago that I finally stocked the last of those food storage cases away...and I got that familiar edgy feeling of needing...something...while listening to a new podcast from Jack Spirko of Survival Podcast (new normal - I listen to survival folks everyday) - I think I finally realized what it was I needed now. Jack constantly talks about the neccesity of developing a sense of community...that no one of us can be as smart and talented as a group of likeminded folks with differing interests...and that we need to stay in contact with that community...I heard him interview a ham radio guy by the name of Tim Glance (from Texas, of course) about how Tim and many of his friends had integrated amateur radio into their prepping - for the express purpose of keeping in touch with their community - that it all came perfectly clear. the next part of the journey just began for I said, about 2-3 moths ago. I had no idea of what to do, or what I would need, beyond a means to stay in touch with my family - one group of 6 and another group of 14 - strewn nearly 500 miles apart from each other. Fortunately for me, it was at this time that I met another current board member of this fine forum - Luck WA4STO - on another board. Luck is VERY knowledgable about amateur radio, heck - he used to workf for ARRL and he even wrote some of the FCC rules we're studying/abiding by! Ol' WA4STO helped narrow my perspective and search a bit. Gave some great advice about identifying the type of operating I wanted to do (HF, voice), the type of radio I would need for the things I wanted to do - and again - it was on a budget (and trust me - it CAN be done n a budget). Now I have a radio that was built in America back in the 80's - and get this, the company that built it - built such a fine piece of equipemnt - they STILL build ALL their radios in America!

I'm now studying for my exam (something I never thought I would or could attain) and ol WA4STO has me interested in some digital modes of HF communication that can be used for security - and get this - amateur radio can communicate WITHOUT the power grid and DOES NOT NEED the internet to send pictures/email!!

Anyone where I was a couple months ago? Anyone have any questions about starting, best type of equipment, WHAT equipment and/or what the expenses are...I can sure help! Not because I'm an expert, but because I just went through it...and I may know someone who just might be able to help answer your questions!  I may be the least knowledgeable poster on this forum - and at times that is readily obvious - but maybe there's one or two who come in and lurk...trying to get an idea of how to start....and maybe this post will help you discover what it is you want to do, and how to get started toward your goal.

I just don't know how anyone can have a prepping plan that does not include communications - especially if you have family spread out across a county, or state, or even further...we have to have a way to contact them - and amateur radio might just be the thing you're looking for!