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General Discussion / Re: Hurricane - Radio in Use
Last post by gil - October 10, 2024, 07:39:54 AM
Thanks Ray for posting!
If anyone has information from Sarasota Florida, please post it here, I have many friends there...
General Discussion / Re: Hurricane - Radio in Use
Last post by RadioRay - October 04, 2024, 10:09:42 AM
For those out of this region ( U.S. South/East) the recent INLAND hurricane strike has made a real mess of things, huge floods destroying entire towns, millions without electrical power, most in the area lacking fresh water and food. Despite what 'The Experts' on many forums told us, yes, indeed, the power grid and cellphones failed across large swaths of the impacted area, leaving many without a homek water, food and hope.  No 911.

Low tech, independent, survivable communications systems using ham radio is a great solution , particularly on the ALREADY EXISTING 'traffic networks' on the ham radio bands.  I am roughly 400 miles from the center on this impacted region, but easily heard hams in there, both organized ( The Tarheel Emergency Network ) and unorganized , individual hams.  A few lessons come away from this:

1. Be part of a network of hams.  The hams you talk to today are likely the hams you'll pass emergency radio traffic with tomorrow.  If you're not doing it today, you'll likely not be doing it tomorrow. Radio is at least 'two way' communication.

2. WINLINK is amazing in these situations and the network is automated, always waiting for your call.

3. SSB voice and Morse code ( CW ) are the modes I hear most, passing traffic and giving a little morale break.  The various CW traffic nets have been doing a GREAT job, handling radiograms during this emergency: no computer required to send a telegram to friends and family.  Remember, there is a HUGE swath of GRID DOWN states so energy efficiency is hugely important.  Morse code ( CW ) QRP rigs are in use for those with only limited battery power. 4.  This has been going on for a week.  Can YOU operate your radio station for a week For printed copies of messages and pencil and scrap of paper perform well.

4. This grid down began a week ago.  Can YOU operate you ham radio station for a week without commercial power ? Can you live without grid water, sewage and etc. ?  If not, why not?  Fix it while you can.

Food for thought,

73 de Ray  ..._ ._

General Discussion / Hurricane - Radio in Use
Last post by RadioRay - October 01, 2024, 09:51:41 PM
I was listening to a few hams on HF, who were taking a break by having a small roundtable chat from inside the destroyed area, HF radios, battery power, reduced outputs ( one station was 5 Watts SSB, weak readable here in Virginia). They mentioned recharging batteries "later" and one guy mentioned that had a place he could walk to that had power to recharge his batteries. One CLASSIC "food for thought" comment went like this:

" Well, I was listenin to my A.M. radio and
they told me that if I needed some help to just
call this number or send an e-mail to
some address or visit such-&-such a website .
That'd be just dandy, IF I HAD phone or internet!
What the #%^ are they thinking?"

OTOH, 40m and 80m radio is working rather well.
Of special mention the Tarheel Emergency Net
, Net Control Operators are doing yeoman service.

73 de Ray ..._ ._
New To Radio / Re: Rc car transmitter/receive...
Last post by gil - July 24, 2024, 04:35:53 PM
Oh yes, just because you keep line-of-sight...
New To Radio / Rc car transmitter/receiver vs...
Last post by HidalgoJaime - July 11, 2024, 03:36:54 AM
I was curious why plane receiver/controller combos are able to get a further range than ground based rc controllers and receivers. I know that rc plane controllers often use a higher frequency, but I was curious if that was the reason for the further range? I've tried looking around online but haven't gotten a good answer. I appreciate any input!
General Discussion / Re: How to Insert Images.
Last post by Sparks - May 01, 2024, 04:14:17 PM
@mrg9999: I think the second letter in your CAPTCHA example is an E, not a W.
General Discussion / Thomson TRC-372
Last post by Alex - April 19, 2024, 04:25:39 AM
Hello Gil,
I have purchased a nice Thomson TRC-372 radio with the battery box.
I have eliminate all old NiCad batteries.
Could you please tell me the + and - pinouts of the blue connector ?
I believe the pin 1 to be the minus but I am not sure if the positive is the 5 or 6.
Many thanks and best 73
Alex, HB9DTA
General Discussion / Re: PLEASE READ! Welcome to Ra...
Last post by gil - April 18, 2024, 06:34:30 PM
Hello, welcome aboard!
Unfortunately I have no control over the CATCHPA..
General Discussion / Re: How to Insert Images.
Last post by gil - April 18, 2024, 06:33:07 PM
I do not quite understand your question, please explain further, thanks.
General Discussion / Re: How to Insert Images.
Last post by mrg9999 - April 15, 2024, 08:24:00 AM
DO I have to enter the Letters on every post?
I have to listen to them, and then it still is not correct.


Not sure how to post an image