Posting of private information.

Started by gil, April 14, 2014, 10:49:45 PM

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Just a reminder that posting private information without prior consent is not allowed on this forum. That includes call signs that haven't been posted before by their owner. I was horrified a few days ago to see my last name posted on a thread! >:( This is a NO-NO. I am not paying a very private hosting company in Iceland for people to throw that away by posting private information, names, call signs and locations, as well as prepper group memberships. So far posts have been edited by moderators when that happened. Starting now, any member posting a private piece of information will be banned from posting for a month. The second time, membership to this forum will be revoked. Please respect the privacy of fellow hams and preppers. Posting a call sign is like posting someone's address with an invitation for robery. I am not even going to mention posting last names or group affiliations... You are all smart enough to realize it isn't a good idea these days.



To add to Gils point above about op-sec, please don't ask for call signs in order to set up a QSO. Someone new to radio may not make the connection and post their call sign without truly understanding the consequences.


At the time joined here I thought there would be more hams here using their calls.  So, I've gone in and took mine out.  Security should be top of everyone's minds these days.


By the way an email message was sent to everyone. It was not an individual email.

To make a QSO, you do not need the call sign of the other guy. Remember, you are required to indentify yourself, nobody else. You can call him by his first name. If someone calls me with --. .. .-.. I will hear that immediately..

Some members here do not mind posting their call signs because they have P.O. Box addresses showing in the FCC database. When they have done so before, you can do so as well, otherwise, keep it private.

Thank you for your understanding.



OK, I've removed the call sign from my forum profile. I'll have to look into a PO Box for FCC communications, but that's an additional expense I don't need, and an inconvenience. Is it possible to use a mail forwarding service with a unique physical mailing address. It seems there would be a business opportunity for someone willing to sort mail, and cheaper than having an actual mail drop.

--edit: it seems there are plenty of companies offering this type of service. Cool!  8)



You can post your own call sign if you want, many here do it, no problem. It's posting call signs of those who don't do it themselves that's a problem..



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